If the above statement does not fall within your line of thought, then your business is definitely missing out a huge chunk of the market. The whole point of starting this write-up on a negative tone is just to drive home the simple fact and that is the undeniable influence mobile phones exert in business today- either it is for big brands or small/micro startups like the food trucks lined up on the side of the road. The basic point here is that any entrepreneur can actually benefit from mobile apps business.

Now, if you put up a question, ‘How?’ then the answer lies in the following facts and figures:
- 80% of user time is devoted to serving the internet and accessing different mobile apps.
- Push Notifications in mobile apps receive 97% of user responses.
- Total time spent per day on mobile devices has increased to a whopping figure of over 575% in three years.
- Facebook app usage covers nearly 81% of the total smartphone users.
- Apps offer a user experience which even 'Responsive Websites' are unable to provide.
Considering the fact that there are approximately over 35 lakhs applications in Google Play Store only, any business without an online presence especially in the form of smart applications is likely to wither away in no time. Business from mobile apps has proved to be a game-changer for many startups. There are a few such small businesses that prefer to carry out their work only through an application. Guess What! They are actually doing pretty good. Brands like BIg Basket and Grofers are two such examples.
- Global mobile app revenue is projected to reach $188.9 billion by 2020.
- In 2017, global revenue from in-app purchases was projected at $37 billion.
- Paid app downloads contributed nearly $29 billion of the business in 2017.

In fact, the era of digitization has created alternate yet multiple options to make money, a lot of money. Mobile app business looks promising compared to the other options. And when users have alternate ways to get their demands met and fulfilled, why do you think your traditional approach to making a profit can ever stand a chance to beat the competition?
Final Takeaways
The above figures and facts, therefore, highlight the increasing dependence of users on Smartphone's in this to the century and in the years to come. So you either choose to make a profit from the mobile app business or opt for a mobile application to increase your offline startup.
Whatever your choice may be, the mobile application is the only medium to stay in touch with your key customers. Cutting out apps, your startup plan will never culminate in a fully running and successful business operation.
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